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Bananarama said it best, because it's only June, and it's a cruel, cruel, cruel summer... with temps in the 107ºF + range here in Vegas, and not a damn thing to do because of the 'rona, this is shaping up to be a miserable season. Honestly though, aren't all summers? (or is that just for us gingers? lol) Anyway, I'm going deeply off-topic! Today I'm here to share with you the latest and greatest from KBShimmer - the Endless Summer collection, and y'all, if you like flakies, prepare to lose your GD MIND!!!! Keep reading for swatches and more info!!
Rosy champagne with color shifting flakes
Guys, we already discussed my dislike of summer - mostly due to the extreme heat. That said, this one is super pretty, and is such a simple and lovely color that still has that special kick from the flakes. It's definitely the most subtle of the bunch, but I kinda love that. The flakes in this shade shift from peach to golden to green, and it's all accentuated by a subtle dusting of holo, because who doesn't love holo?
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Anything is Popsicle
Strawberry pink with color shifting flakes
Think red-popsicle stained lips, or a Kool-aid mustache! :D (the best, amiright?!). Top it off with shifting flakes and a good solid hit of holo micro flakes, and you're set for that ice cream man!! *thinks to self* I wonder if he has Choco Tacos....
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Are You Kitten Me?
Peachy orange with color shifting flakes
This one is all peachy keen, jellybean! It actually kinda reminds me of the grapefruit jellybeans from Trader Joe's, which, if you haven't tried them, you pretty much need to now...they're freaking GOOOOOOOOD, and I hate jellybeans, so I feel like that is saying something. Look at those holo micro-flakes all up in that business! WOOOT!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Living my Zest Life
Lemon yellow with color shifting flakes
You know what they say...when life gives you lemons, make pie. Wait, maybe that's just me that says that. Who knows, but this is a lemon lover's dream. It's like drops of sunshine dripped down through the atmosphere and onto my nails and made a beautiful flakey, shiny lemon pie. Flakes shift from golden Meyer lemon to just this side of lime. :) Add in a little holo micro-flakes for seasoning, and you've got yourself a winner!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Something to Taco 'Bout
Vibrant chartreuse with color shifting flakes
Sweet mother of Mountain Dew! This is pretty much the exact neon-lemon-lime green of my old college flame. (seriously woke up in bed with a can of Dew in one hand and a chocolate pudding cup in the other my freshman year of college. Don't judge. lol) The flakes in this one still shift from a golden orange to lime, but the more rusty shifts are toned done by the limey base. Totally not mad about it, and you see some great kelly green shifts too!!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Pretty Shore
Teal with color shifting flakes
OK, the first time I saw the name of this polish, I immediately thought of Pauly Shore...buuuuuuuuuuuuuddy! I mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of the polish - a Caribbean teal with flakes that shift from rust to golden to green, but it was the first place that my mind went. Now I kinda wanna watch an Encino Man/Biodome/Son-in-Law marathon...who's in?!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Sól Blue
Royal blue with color-shifting flakes
What a gorgeous polish. Seriously. I love the vibrant blue base, with flakes compliment it beautifully, and it reminds me of a young, brightly colored fish making its way through a coral reef to school. (get it, school? Fish?! *dad joke*) :D
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Zoom With a View
Blurple with color-shifting flakes
OK, let me start off by saying that this polish has my favorite name of the whole collection. It made me giggle, and I love how clever it is. lol On to the polish though. While the flakes in Something to Taco 'Bout were tempered by the lime base, the flakes in this one really sing out and almost (just almost!) take over the base of the polish. It's really, really gorgeous, and I love how peachy the orange shift of the flakes is on the blurple base. Love!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Hanging With My Grill Friends
Charcoal black with color-shifting flakes
It looks like the fourth of July - it makes me want a hot dog REALLLLLL BAAAAAD. Ok. so it doesn't look like the 4th of July at all, but I always want a hot dog! The flakes in the polish are so densely packed that you almost can't even see that charcoal base, and it's like the flakes are embers in a charcoal grill destined for great things... like brats...or steak. Man, I wish it wasn't a thousand degrees outside, I wanna grill!!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
OK, so upon going over all the descriptions that I wrote in this post, I realize they are very food-heavy. Why? Who knows, I totally ate dinner, and I'm not even hungry! *still wouldn't turn down a hot dog though...just sayin'.
Bananarama said it best, because it's only June, and it's a cruel, cruel, cruel summer... with temps in the 107ºF + range here in Vegas, and not a damn thing to do because of the 'rona, this is shaping up to be a miserable season. Honestly though, aren't all summers? (or is that just for us gingers? lol) Anyway, I'm going deeply off-topic! Today I'm here to share with you the latest and greatest from KBShimmer - the Endless Summer collection, and y'all, if you like flakies, prepare to lose your GD MIND!!!! Keep reading for swatches and more info!!
Guys, we already discussed my dislike of summer - mostly due to the extreme heat. That said, this one is super pretty, and is such a simple and lovely color that still has that special kick from the flakes. It's definitely the most subtle of the bunch, but I kinda love that. The flakes in this shade shift from peach to golden to green, and it's all accentuated by a subtle dusting of holo, because who doesn't love holo?
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Anything is Popsicle
Strawberry pink with color shifting flakes
Think red-popsicle stained lips, or a Kool-aid mustache! :D (the best, amiright?!). Top it off with shifting flakes and a good solid hit of holo micro flakes, and you're set for that ice cream man!! *thinks to self* I wonder if he has Choco Tacos....
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Are You Kitten Me?
Peachy orange with color shifting flakes
This one is all peachy keen, jellybean! It actually kinda reminds me of the grapefruit jellybeans from Trader Joe's, which, if you haven't tried them, you pretty much need to now...they're freaking GOOOOOOOOD, and I hate jellybeans, so I feel like that is saying something. Look at those holo micro-flakes all up in that business! WOOOT!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Living my Zest Life
Lemon yellow with color shifting flakes
You know what they say...when life gives you lemons, make pie. Wait, maybe that's just me that says that. Who knows, but this is a lemon lover's dream. It's like drops of sunshine dripped down through the atmosphere and onto my nails and made a beautiful flakey, shiny lemon pie. Flakes shift from golden Meyer lemon to just this side of lime. :) Add in a little holo micro-flakes for seasoning, and you've got yourself a winner!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Something to Taco 'Bout
Vibrant chartreuse with color shifting flakes
Sweet mother of Mountain Dew! This is pretty much the exact neon-lemon-lime green of my old college flame. (seriously woke up in bed with a can of Dew in one hand and a chocolate pudding cup in the other my freshman year of college. Don't judge. lol) The flakes in this one still shift from a golden orange to lime, but the more rusty shifts are toned done by the limey base. Totally not mad about it, and you see some great kelly green shifts too!!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Pretty Shore
Teal with color shifting flakes
OK, the first time I saw the name of this polish, I immediately thought of Pauly Shore...buuuuuuuuuuuuuddy! I mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of the polish - a Caribbean teal with flakes that shift from rust to golden to green, but it was the first place that my mind went. Now I kinda wanna watch an Encino Man/Biodome/Son-in-Law marathon...who's in?!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Sól Blue
Royal blue with color-shifting flakes
What a gorgeous polish. Seriously. I love the vibrant blue base, with flakes compliment it beautifully, and it reminds me of a young, brightly colored fish making its way through a coral reef to school. (get it, school? Fish?! *dad joke*) :D
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Zoom With a View
Blurple with color-shifting flakes
OK, let me start off by saying that this polish has my favorite name of the whole collection. It made me giggle, and I love how clever it is. lol On to the polish though. While the flakes in Something to Taco 'Bout were tempered by the lime base, the flakes in this one really sing out and almost (just almost!) take over the base of the polish. It's really, really gorgeous, and I love how peachy the orange shift of the flakes is on the blurple base. Love!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
Hanging With My Grill Friends
Charcoal black with color-shifting flakes
It looks like the fourth of July - it makes me want a hot dog REALLLLLL BAAAAAD. Ok. so it doesn't look like the 4th of July at all, but I always want a hot dog! The flakes in the polish are so densely packed that you almost can't even see that charcoal base, and it's like the flakes are embers in a charcoal grill destined for great things... like brats...or steak. Man, I wish it wasn't a thousand degrees outside, I wanna grill!!
Opacity scale (1-5): 2.5
Finish: Flake, 2 coats to be opaque
OK, so upon going over all the descriptions that I wrote in this post, I realize they are very food-heavy. Why? Who knows, I totally ate dinner, and I'm not even hungry! *still wouldn't turn down a hot dog though...just sayin'.
So what do you guys think? Did you, as I predicted, lose your mind over all the flaky goodness? (or is it flakie?! The world will never know) How about those little sprinkles of holo? Which shades (if not all) of this collection will you be picking up when they're out on July 3? My faves Are A Love Heat Relationship (a pink?! I know, I know), Living my Zest Life, and a Zoom With a View!
You can grab these polishes on the KBShimmer website starting July 3 for $10 a bottle!
Disclosure: Products in this post were provided by the manufacturer for consideration. All opinions are my own.
from The Daily Nail
KBShimmer Endless Summer Collection - Summer 2020 - Swatches & Review-Nail Polish