Press Sample
SAY HELLO TO MAH LITTLE FRENNN! Talk about a movie I never thought I'd like but totally loved. Who doesn't love that scene in Scarface when Al Pacino has the desk covered in cocaine, and blasts the door to pieces in one huge bang! Amazing. Such a classic movie. Perfect inspiration for my black & white manicure today for the 31-Day Nail Art Challenge! Hit the jump for more photos and info!
I kept it pretty simple for this manicure, painting the Scarface poster image on my middle nail, the quote on my thumb, and sponging piles and piles of cocaine on my other nails. :D
I also decided to see what it would look like with the Scarface text across it, reminiscent of the movie poster. I kinda like it! I dunno though, I like it the other way too for its simplicity!
What did I use?
Glisten & Glow Wedding Gown White
Glisten & Glow Little Black Dress
Genece Love Brand Love You Too
SAY HELLO TO MAH LITTLE FRENNN! Talk about a movie I never thought I'd like but totally loved. Who doesn't love that scene in Scarface when Al Pacino has the desk covered in cocaine, and blasts the door to pieces in one huge bang! Amazing. Such a classic movie. Perfect inspiration for my black & white manicure today for the 31-Day Nail Art Challenge! Hit the jump for more photos and info!
I kept it pretty simple for this manicure, painting the Scarface poster image on my middle nail, the quote on my thumb, and sponging piles and piles of cocaine on my other nails. :D
I also decided to see what it would look like with the Scarface text across it, reminiscent of the movie poster. I kinda like it! I dunno though, I like it the other way too for its simplicity!
What did I use?
Glisten & Glow Wedding Gown White
Glisten & Glow Little Black Dress
Genece Love Brand Love You Too
from The Daily Nail
Say Hello to My Little Friend - 31 Day Challenge - Day 7-Nail Polish