
31DC2012: Day 16, Tribal

Minggu, 16 September 2012

31DC2012: Day 16, Tribal

Tribal nails! I got to thinking about tribes and history and eventually started thinking about cave paintings. I recalled these beautiful stenciled hand paintings on cave walls and wondered if there was some way I could get them on my nails.

Here is an example of the style I am referring to, though there are many many more images of this style of cave painting. Try googling "cave painting hands" for some excellent and beautiful images if you are interested.


I started out with a base of OPI Berlin There Done That, which I also tried to texture a bit with OPI Don't Pretzel My Buttons. Then, I blocked off areas of my nail with hand shaped pieces of painters tape, and used a sponge to sponge on China Glaze Call of the Wild over the tape, around the edges. I then added a bit of freehand embellishment with China Glaze Velvet Bow to give the stenciling a bit more depth of color.

The tape pieces were created using the same method that I used in my stenciled star nails tutorial, except instead of using a hole punch like I did for that manicure, I just freehand cut out some hand shapes.

For having never done something like this before on my nails, I think I did a pretty good job of mimicking the cave paintings. If I were to attempt this again, and I would like to, I would probably sponge each hand on in different shades of reds and browns, and try to make the base look more like stone.

I hope you enjoy these like I do! 

Here's a combo image for pinning ease... :)

You can check out last year's tribal nails here as well as the challenge prompts here.